Remember the Ice Bucket Challenge?

Remember the Ice Bucket Challenge?

During an 8-week period in 2014, that video challenge raised $115 million and tripled the ALS research budget.

And that's just two of the benefits. You can see many more in the infographic below.

The Ice Bucket Challenge would never have become a thing if not for video.

It would not have produced those results with still photos of people dumping ice on each other.

It certainly would not have produced those results with written descriptions of people dumping ice on each other.

Video Marketing Produced Those Results

Video makes a HUGE impact that cannot be debated.

People had that money to donate all along, but video is what motivated them to actually do it.

Video Marketing Will Work For You, Too!

Whether you run a for-profit business or a non-profit organization, if you have no video strategy, you are not giving yourself the best chance to motivate your target audience to engage you with their dollars.

You can keep describing your version of the Ice Bucket Challenge using words and pictures and let your target audience spend their money elsewhere.

Or you can deliver video content that puts you on people's radar and motivates them to support you.

Your "About Me" Page Is Not Really About You

Your "About Me" Page Is Not Really About You

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