How To Grow Your Business With Virtual Consultations

How To Grow Your Business With Virtual Consultations

You may not realize it, but you're not getting as many consultations as you could.

Many people won't schedule a free consultation because they're so afraid you're going to try to sell them something.

People want more information, but nobody wants to be sold to.

So how do you get your ideal client the information they need if they won’t schedule a free consultation?

Virtual Consultations

Virtual consultations are how you can use video marketing to help you make more sales.

What is a virtual consultation?

Virtual consultations can take a variety of forms, but essentially it’s just you sharing your expertise in short videos, like this one:

FAQ Videos Are A Great Example

If you create a library of FAQ videos on your website, it gives people a way to get more information without having to worry about you trying to sell them something.

This is how you deliver more information to the people who need your services, but are scared to talk to you.

With videos on your website that provide much of the information that a prospective client would be looking to get from a consultation, you're providing them with no-risk access to the information.

They can do their research and not have to worry about you trying to sell them something because they're just watching videos.

Written Words Are Not Going To Do It

You may already have all kinds of FAQ information on your website in written form.

That doesn’t mean people are going to read it.

“72% of people prefer video over text when learning about a product or service.” (Wyzowl)

When it comes to learning:

  • People are more likely to watch a video

  • They retain more of the information

  • They’re more likely to take action based on what they saw.

Prospective clients are not going to read that book you wrote on your website, but they will watch your informational videos.

And by watching your videos and getting to see your personality and mannerisms and such, they’ll know that you’re the right person for them to hire…or not, which is just as important.

Your Videos Will Save You Time

Your videos will give prospective clients a look at exactly who they are going to get.

If you’re not the right person for them, they’re not going to contact you and that saves you from wasting time talking to people who are not a good fit for who you are and what you offer.

This is how video marketing helps you have more conversations and better conversations with only the right people.

You’ll make more sales because the right people are contacting you because they’ve already learned what you offer through virtual consultations and now they’re ready to make a purchase.

Your consultations will be a lot more efficient and effective because your prospective client learned all the boilerplate stuff during their virtual consultations with your video library.

Here’s an example:

Your Ideal Client Has Options

You can write a book on your website that explains everything and expect somebody to read it.

Or you can deliver the information in short videos that quickly tell people exactly what they want to know, 24/7/365.

Put yourself in your ideal client's shoes and ask yourself which of those two options is more attractive?

Which of those two options are you offering?

If you're not making that no-risk virtual consultation available to your ideal client and another business owner who provides the same services does offer virtual consultations, who has better positioned themselves to get hired, you or that other business owner?

Don’t Be The Inferior Option

Position yourself to be the top choice.

Schedule your free consultation today so we can discuss your marketing goals and develop your video marketing strategy to make you the most attractive option to your ideal client.

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