How To Use Pricing To Attract Your Ideal Client

How To Use Pricing To Attract Your Ideal Client

Have You Identified Your Ideal Client?

Your ideal client isn't anyone who can afford to pay you.

You'll find that some people just aren't worth the headache they introduce into your life, no matter what they're paying you.

At the other end of the spectrum are the people who expect the world for $100.

You don't want to work with either of these people and you can control whether you do or don't.

Choose Your Customers

You want to work with people who truly appreciate what you offer and are a joy to work with, right?

Those people are your ideal clients and there are plenty of them out there for you.

Your marketing strategy will determine what kind of clients you attract.

One of the most common mistakes business owners make is presenting themselves as the budget option.

Cheap Prices Attract Cheap Clients

If your message to the world is “I’m the cheapest. I’ll do the most for the least amount of money,” what kind of people do you think that’s going to attract?

Branding yourself as the low-budget option means you’ll attract people with low budgets.

Using your price as your major selling point is a recipe for failure.

When your whole value proposition is “I’m the cheapest,” you’re telling the world that you’re worth nothing and you will attract people who are looking to pay you nothing.

Charge A Premium For Premium Results

Focusing on the results you deliver is a much better way to market your business.

Your ideal client has goals and ambitions.

They’re aspiring to be a better version of themselves or make some other kind of aspirational achievement.

Your messaging should focus on you delivering that result.

Paint the picture that your ideal client wants to see themselves in and you will attract those people.

And they won’t be focusing on your price, they’ll be focusing on the results you deliver.

That means you’ll be having an entirely different conversation.

Instead of focusing on “how much?” they’ll be more interested in talking about “how.”

That’s what consultations with your ideal client are about: how you can help them achieve the result they’re looking for.

How much it will cost is much less important to them.

How Much Does It Cost To Fix A Broken Leg?

That’s a question that no one who has a broken leg has ever asked.

Their primary concern is getting their broken leg fixed.

What is the broken leg your ideal client needs fixed?

Another way to say it is “what are their pain points?”

Those pain points are your marketing materials.

When you speak to these pain points in your messaging and you talk about how you can fix them, you will get the attention of people who have broken legs in need of fixing and a budget to pay for it.

That person with a budget is not looking for someone whose messaging is “I can fix ten broken legs for $50.”

Budget Pricing Is A Turn-Off For Your Ideal Client

Someone with $5000 to spend on fixing their broken leg is not looking for the “I can fix ten broken legs for $50” person.

Positioning yourself as the Wal-Mart option means you’ll not only fail to attract premium clients, but you’re actively chasing them away.

The reverse is true, as well.

Premium pricing will keep the cheap people who expect the world for $100 from wasting your time because they know they can’t afford you, so they’re not going to bother you.

Focus On The Result

How much is it worth to no longer have a broken leg?

That’s the value of your ability to fix broken legs.

Your work allows your clients to walk and run and do all the many things that having two good legs allows someone to do.

When you think about it, a broken leg is actually a major problem that affects every aspect of someone’s life.

You have to understand that in order to understand your value and charge accordingly.

That message is the message you communicate in all your marketing.

That is how you demonstrate your value to the world and attract the right people, AKA your ideal clients.

When you do this consistently and get the word out about the results that you deliver, you’ll have enough people contacting you on a regular basis that you’ll get to pick and choose your ideal clients from the bunch.


  • Know the value of the results you deliver

  • Charge accordingly

  • Develop a marketing message that focuses on the results your ideal client wants

  • Market yourself consistently

  • The right people will start contacting you


Book Yourself Solid: Chapter 1 will help you identify your ideal client so you can develop your marketing message specifically for that person.

Worth Every Penny: Will help you develop your mindset to create a boutique business that charges premium pricing.

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