How To Make Money On LinkedIn Using The YouTube Model

How To Make Money On LinkedIn Using The YouTube Model

Ever Heard of YouTube University?

Lots of us hold at least an associate's degree from that distinguished institution.

Many of us hold multiple Ph.Ds from YouTube U.

And those YouTube educators have built profitable businesses for themselves.

You Can Do The Same Thing On LinkedIn

LinkedIn allows videos of up to ten minutes.

Or if you write a LinkedIn article, you can include links to videos of any length.

What kind of educational tool could LinkedIn become if the LinkedIn community embraced the “entrepreneurship through teaching” mentality of the YouTube community?

What would happen if you committed to sharing your expertise via video on a weekly basis?

[RELATED: How Much Does It Cost To Have Your Own Talk Show?]

Imagine YouTube with just business content.

Basically, I'm describing LinkedIn Learning, but with user-generated content.

A Real World Example

LinkedIn Learning was founded as was founded in 1995 by Lynda Weinman and acquired by LinkedIn in 2015.

Lynda Weinman is an example of what you can do for yourself by building your own platform to share your expertise.

Think about the brand-building and lead generation you can do for yourself by becoming known as the go-to expert on a particular topic on LinkedIn.

Whether your career path is entrepreneurial or corporate, having more people around the world know you as an expert will create more opportunities for you and help you get where you're going, faster.

[RELATED: Video Marketing Success Story: Green Panther Chef]

Mo' Money, Mo' Money, Mo' Money!

Millionaires generally have multiple streams of income.

If you currently have only one stream of income, bringing your version of YouTube U onto LinkedIn is a great way for you to open up additional income streams.

What could you do with your ten minutes?

Take a look at your favorite YouTube tutorials and ask yourself what would your version of that would look like on LinkedIn?

[RELATED: How To Generate Passive Income Through Education Products]

What Could You Teach?

Figure it out and then start teaching.

Some will read this and immediately start making excuses or engaging in some form of negative self talk.

And this time next year, those people will still be right where they are now.

A precious few will read this and get inspired and take action immediately to start sharing their expertise.

And by this time next year, those people will have established themselves to the world as a subject matter expert and built quite a revenue stream for themselves through LinkedIn.

Which person are you?

The Time To Start Is Now

I'm writing this on February 1st, 2020.

We are one month into a new decade.

You have eleven months left in 2020.

Are you going to keep doing what you've always done?

Or are you going to really go after your dreams this year and take yourself off of whatever treadmill you're on so you can make some real progress towards what you want to achieve in this one precious life that you have?

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