How To Know If You've Already Sabotaged Your Goals For This Year

How To Know If You've Already Sabotaged Your Goals For This Year

Some of you have already put yourself on the path to “I'll do it next year.”

You just don't realize it.

You're on the path to “I'll do it next year” because you're waiting.

You're waiting until later this year to get started on something that you yourself have identified as being key to your own success.

But you haven't started on it yet.

You're Waiting

You're waiting until you're ready.

You're waiting for X.

You're waiting for Y.

You're waiting for Z.

What you don't realize is that you're waiting at a bus stop and the bus you're going to get on is the Bus To Next Year.

Every Day, You Make Progress Or You Lose Time

If you don't have a system in place where you're making incremental progress every single day to move yourself towards your goals for 2020, you're unlikely to accomplish them.

What you're eating today is what you'll have on display this summer.

The marketing you're not doing today is why your phone won't be ringing enough later this year.

The big goal you have that's going to require eight to ten months of consistent effort (whether you realize it or not) is not going to happen in 2020 because you're already behind schedule if you're the type who kinda checks out for the year beginning Thanksgiving week.

Throw in an August hiatus and a couple of other foot-not-on-the-gas periods throughout the year and you already have no chance of achieving that big goal.

This Is About Awareness

This is not a judgment or an indictment.

It's your life. Live it as you choose.

I'm just pointing this out for folks who might unintentionally end up on that Bus To Next Year because they don't realize that “waiting until...” means they're waiting at that bus stop.

Stop waiting and start walking to your destination.

Some might even suggest that for those with big dreams, a brisk walk or a flat out sprint is in order.

The speed at which you chase your dreams is up to you. 

Tick Tock

Just know that Father Time's clock keeps on ticking at the same pace, regardless of how fast or slow you choose to move during your time on this Earth.

Ask some of the senior citizens in your life what their views are on “waiting until...” and let them tell you about their experiences on the Bus To Next Year.

Just don't “wait until...” to reach out to them.

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