This Is What Winning Looks Like

This Is What Winning Looks Like

Winners Come With A Team

You might have seen Quinn's video the other day where she taught you how to turn conversations into cash.

If not, you can check it out here.

What you see in that video is not the results of Quinn working by herself.


If you look to the far left of the image above, you'll see one of the members of Team Quinn hiding in the shadows.

That's Chenire Carter, the interior designer who designed Quinn's Revenue Room that we were recording in.

Not pictured is Takia Ross, makeup artist extraordinaire who helped Quinn get camera-ready.

And, of course, you don't see me.

Team Quinn

That comes to three people Quinn had on deck that day to help her achieve her goals.

This is what winning looks like.

Winning is a team sport.

Winning requires that you first invest in yourself, and then you have to invest in a quality team.

Keep that in mind as you review your progress on your 2020 goals.

If you're not making the progress you want to make, you have to look at what investment you have made in yourself and what kind of people you have surrounded yourself with.

Success requires investment and you will never outperform your inner circle.

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