Rx Catering: A Long-Term Case Study on Video Marketing (Week 4)

Rx Catering: A Long-Term Case Study on Video Marketing (Week 4)

Rx Catering Now Has 100 YouTube Subscribers!

Actually, it’s 137 subscribers, at the time of this writing.

That’s 137 more subscribers than Cheron had less than a month ago when she didn’t even have a YouTube channel.

To create a custom YouTube link, your channel has to be at least 30 days old and have at least 100 subscribers.

Rx Catering now meets the requirement for the minimum number of subscribers and I think we have to wait a week or so for the channel to be 30 days old so we can create the custom YouTube link.

Many of Cheron’s subscribers came in one big surge after she made a direct request for subscribers via social media.

Ask and ye shall receive.

Cheron’s ability to make an ask and see results will increase dramatically once her weekly email list is up and running.

Oprah’s Favorite Things became a thing because Oprah made it a thing. If a Black girl born in rural Mississippi during the Jim Crow era can do it, anybody can.

Anybody can be Oprah or Tyler Perry, if you’re willing to put in the work.

[RELATED: What Could You Do With Your Own Talk Show?]

Learning Video Is About More Than Marketing

As Cheron demonstrates in the video below, developing video communications skills allows you to do just that: communicate with the world on any topic you want to address.

Yes, marketing is a big part of what you’ll use video for as a small business owner.

But you will also have many other things that you may want to lend your voice to.

By developing your video communications skills now and creating your own platform for speaking, you’ll never need to ask permission to stand on someone else’s stage to speak.

Behind The Scenes of Cooking With Cheron

Like I said, cooking with Cheron ain’t all ice cream and cake!

Here’s a window into what I have to deal with to bring you this show every week.

Is It Time For You To Begin Your YouTube Journey?

Cheron's journey began with her not even having a YouTube channel and, in less than a month, she already has almost 150 subscribers.

Imagine where she'll be in twelve months.

Imagine where you could be in twelve months if you got started today. Nobody starts with a million subscribers. To get to a million, you have to get started.

As you'll see in the next week or two, Cheron is going to use video marketing to position Rx Catering right now as the caterer to hire for events this Fall and holiday season.

That's your marketing lesson for today. To position your business to get hired for the best gigs, you have to be thinking at least six months in advance with your marketing.

We're having some fun with this video, but don't get it twisted. This is not fun and games. Cheron's cooking show is about using video to market her business and position Rx Catering as the premier caterer in the DC metro area.

So enjoy the video, but recognize that this is about far more than entertainment.

Start thinking about what you should be doing right now to position yourself to get hired this Fall and Winter for holiday spending for consumers or end-of-year spending for businesses, or in January when people have New Year's Resolution money burning a hole in their pockets.

The opportunities you want are out here, but you have to do your part to put yourself in front of them. The marketing for your Q1 2022 opportunities starts now.

Follow Cheron's lead and get started now. And make sure you have fun with it, like you see Cheron doing. As she demonstrates, you shouldn’t think of marketing as just another thing you have to do.

Marketing is critical to the success of your business, so it’s a good idea to find a way to make it fun.

Rx Catering: A Long-Term Case Study on Video Marketing (Week 5)

Rx Catering: A Long-Term Case Study on Video Marketing (Week 5)

Rx Catering: A Long-Term Case Study on Video Marketing (Week 3)

Rx Catering: A Long-Term Case Study on Video Marketing (Week 3)